Military Health Institute Promotes HPSP Graduates
MHI Promotes Health Professions Scholarship Program Graduates
The Military Health Institute (MHI) in partnership with the Military Health Interest Group (MHIG) was honored to host the 2024 Promotion Ceremony for Health Profession Scholarship Program (HPSP) students. These graduates are starting their career as military officers and were promoted to O-3 (5 Air Force Captains and 1 Navy Lieutenant). Family, friends, and mentors were present to celebrate as the graduates pinned on their new ranks. MHI and MHIG provided lunch and refreshments for all attendees. Ruby Lewis, MHI staff and retired Air Force veteran, stated, “These graduates have so much to be proud of. We are excited to see the impact they make as military officers and healthcare professionals.” Dr. Robert Hromas, Acting President of the university, and Dr. Joe Aldrete, retired Army Colonel and Associate Professor with the School of Medicine, both spoke to the graduates about their potential for greatness. The MHI and MHIG will continue each year to honor our HPSP students with this promotion ceremony.